The Pentagon aims to use cutting-edge cloud networks and artificial intelligence systems to anticipate adversaries’ moves before they make them.
Though it might sound like a scene out of a sci-fi movie, it is not. The US military is using big data and artificial intelligence to try to predict future events. The third series of Global Information Dominance Experiments (GIDE) was held at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, on July 13, 2021. US military has been conducting several AI experiments, but this one is really surprising. As reported by Command leader General Glen VanHerck in The Drive,
These strings of test for GIDE, cloud computing and sensors could allow Pentagon to predict the events “in advance”. This could be revolutionary in military and government operations.
The main idea behind this is to predict or anticipate the moves of other countries quite in advance so that precautions and due actions can be put in place before the fighting starts to avoid detrimental consequences at the most.
General VanHerck explained in a press release, that, “GIDE, the Global Information Dominance Experiments, embodies a fundamental change in how we use information and data to increase decision space for leaders from the tactical level to the strategic level – not only military leaders but [it] also gives an opportunity for our civilian leaders,”
For effective functioning, Cloud computing plays an integral role, as they process huge data (from across the countries) most quickly and efficiently, and then disseminate it to the military officials or agencies the most in need.
“The data exists,” said VanHerck. “What we’re doing is making that data available, making that data available and shared into a cloud where machine learning and artificial intelligence look at it. And they process it quickly and provide it to decision-makers, which I call decision superiority.”

While explaining the methodology, behind information dominance and artificial intelligence for machine learning he explained with an analogy of the number of cars in a car park, at a military base or research station perhaps. If the AI sees increased activity, it can flag this to other parts of the system, where it’s then analyzed as part of a massive data set.
There are many other advantages to this new advancement in AI. IT gives Pentagon the power to take a proactive step and ramping up the defense in real-time or beforehand, instead of reacting to outdated information. There are still limitations. The AI is looking for out-of-the-ordinary clues, such as a greater number of parked cars or aircraft. It can’t say for certain what’s happening — humans will still be heavily involved. Even so, the tech could be worthwhile if it prevents a ‘surprise’ attack or leads to negotiations instead of conflict.
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