
Future Risk For SARS-COV-3 Infection

COVID 19 Virus Genetic Investigation Unfolds The Future Risk For SARS COV3 Infection

Recent advances revealed a decoded genetic combination of SARS COV 2 virus, which has approximately 29, 902 long strands of RNA.  The RNA consists of around only 27 protein molecules compared to 40000 possible combinations of protein produced by a human cell. Regardless, the virus can control the host cell to reproduce its kind.

It was discovered that the virus uses the technique of spatial folding of its RNA to control the synthesis of the proteins. The parts without code play a crucial role in this folding by turning into a double-strand RNA and a loop; however, it is hypothesized based on computer analyses.

Chemists and biochemists at Goethe University and TU Darmstadt are currently pursuing experimental models to prove the hypothesis. Researchers from the Israeli Weizmann Institute of Science, the Swedish Karolinska Institute the Catholic University of Valencia.

The team reported, “using the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we identified around 15 regulatory elements in the virus.”

Comparative to the findings obtained from the chemical process (dimethyl sulfate footprint), the NMR enabled the scientist to view RNA atoms’ spatial arrangement in the single strands.

Professor Harald Schwalbe explained, “interestingly, the study successfully showed the attributes of SARS COV 2 and the infectious mechanism. However, the study involved a huge amount of labor and equipment, which was worth investing to accomplish effective therapeutic approaches.”

Over 40 research groups with 200 scientists are currently investigating the COVID 19 -NMR consortium, especially 45 doctoral and postdoctoral students in Frankfurt, who are working double shifts the whole week since March 2020.

According to Schwalbe, “the virus has a mere resemblance to SARS COV and beta coronavirus. For this reason, the potential for this discovery goes beyond the therapeutic options as it is a better way for all of us to be prepared for SARS-CoV-3.”

SARS-CoV-2 genome reveals the suitable drug targets and the risk for mutant forms.

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